We did it again! Another ALIGN class for us all.

ALIGN 4.0 was very in-depth and next level. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to depend their awareness practice!

ALIGN 4.0 is a recorded online 21-day intensive.  We sit together for 30 minutes each day for 21 days and BE in stillness, awareness, and presence.

This 21 day class is an extension to ALIGN 1.0 and ALIGN 2.0, and ALIGN 3.0. YOU DO NOT NEED to have taken any previous ALIGN in order to join us for ALIGN 4.0.

ALIGN 4.0 is another online 21-day intensive.  We sit together for 30 minutes each day for 21 days and BE in stillness, awareness, and presence.

In this 21 day intensive, I sit with you daily while we practice finding calm, peace, presence, awareness and wholeness in the midst of EVERYTHING we are going though in life.  

I will share tools and techniques reminding you of the courage you hold within you to be in anything life is handing you.

If you sit with me for 21 days, if you courageously allow yourself to go inward with me, you can shift your entire life. I know because I have shifted mine. 

ALIGN 4.0 awaiting you!


"I've been on quite the "spiritual" journey now for the past 5 ish years and I can honestly say this was the most eye opening, fulfilling, and metamorphically interactive teaching I have had the pleasure of participating.  Your ability to dive deep into our human experience and interpret and articulate in words the "unexplainable" is astounding. I am so looking forward to Align 4.0."

- Michelle

What is ALIGN 4.0?

It is a 21 day intensive where we will connect each day for 30 minutes to sit and practice going inward. Each day we will meditate together, I will share tools to assist in shifting you, and I will answer your questions. We will show up together each day and ACTIVATE the ability to be in life without running from life



"I’m full of so much gratitude for Align 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. This is the first time in my life I’ve been able to have deep compassion and love for where I’m at and what I’m feeling/thinking…to allow it all. Truly I cannot express how HUGE this is and how grateful I am for your loving example."


ALIGN 4.0 Details  


21, 30 minute recorded daily sessions with Lorie 



 5 Bonus Q&A Calls   


 Lifetime access to the recorded classes


 A private online forum to connect w/others in the class.


"Thank you so much for class you gave with so much devotion. I loved practicing this with you and learned so much. Because of this I realized how my thoughts created the way I saw myself. I have so much compassion now for my emotions and behaviors. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Till next time."


During the 21 Days You Will:

  • Experience a deep journey inward.
  • Become more present, still and in your body.
  • Learn tools to feel everything without needing to change it.
  • Become the observer in each moment.
  • Reduce anxiety, stress, worry , fear, suffering and more.
  • Feel more calm, peace, and wholeness.
  • Find a deep sense of faith.
  • Live from a state of flow instead of resistance.
  • Become more empowered.
  • Find the courage to be all of you.
  • Experience more love for you, and more acceptance for all you are going through.
  • Come back home to you.
  • Surrender deeper to life and all its gifting you.
  • Start experiencing miracles.
  • Find yourself in new states of Being.

Questions You May Have...

"Thank you for ALIGN 3.0. I have never been “in my head” without it being about stress, or anxiety, or over thinking. But, today all that changed. I experienced being in mind and knowing peace, watching the thoughts go by. When I came out of it, I was literally high!  This was probably one of the most profound things I have ever experienced on this journey of awareness/healing I have been on since my 20s. I fill united with a part of me that has been so separate. I am so incredibly grateful for this practice! t is definitely helping me to shift in consciousness and awareness."

- ReVonda

My Intentions for ALIGN 4.0:

I want to share with you all the tools and awarenesses that have changed my life and allowed me to be in a state of freedom regardless of what I am going through in life.

I want to guide you back home to you in ways that are so simple it is mind blowing.

I want to sit with you daily for 21 days and share a practice of getting into our bodies, being aware of your thoughts and feeling everything we are feeling.

I want to assist in creating more peace, calm, presence, and wholeness in your life.

"Thank you so, so much for another amazing and transformational Align course. The changes in me are so profound and I feel less alone. I’m just floating in the world and been quieting a lot too, and feeling less attracted by the drama of misalignment in the world. I read ‘the power of now’, years ago, and followed various other signposts.. but the ways in which you walk alongside us and embody your teachings and your authenticity is what makes the difference, and this is a massive inspiration to me. I appreciate you."

- Julia

I would love to sit with you for 21 days and share this practice with you!

Please reach out if you have any questions.


"I have been on Align 1.0, 2. 0 and now 3.0 and it has been life changing for me because self-awareness, allowing, aligning, being the observer is the ultimate "basic" thing that we forget. My whole life I have been trying, figuring out and grinding, always on stress, depressed, super duper lonely, and wanting to die. ALIGN is truly a game changer."

- Inge

"I am extremely grateful for the transformation that has happened within my beingness as a result of Align 3.0.  The way I perceive the outer world and being at peace in the midst of chaos within accepting what is in the now, just allowing me to be no longer attached to the process of unfolding. I am immensely grateful for the love, safety, and wholeness I felt within the community. Thank you for your presence throughout." 

- Sadhana

"I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I loved Align 3.0! THANK YOU! I have noticed a difference in how I am navigating situations that used to massively trigger me and stress me out, particularly when people are interacting with me aggressively. Instead of shutting down or reacting defensively, I now feel like I have more compassion and don’t let these experiences tweak me out as much as they used to. I am proud of myself. Thank you!"

- Anne

"Thank you so much for offering this practice and for being so extraordinarily authentic and genuinely you! I have been so called "waking up" for a while now, but nothing like what has happened to me since taking Align 3.0. This has been absolutely mind blowing!!"

- Karen

"Thank you so much dear Lorie for those wonderful 21 days! Although I mostly attended the replay, I am feeling a big shift. 
I was able to release grief, anxiety and loneliness and came back to my true self with more confidence, ease and happiness!"

- Bettina

"I just want to thank you for being able to join in Align 3.0. I already feel so different and renewed. I have been recovering from depression and PTSD, and I never imagined it would make such a difference in regaining perspective and awareness around my anxiety."

- Maya